Work-Life Playbook

A one-of-a-kind online program that teaches burnt-out professionals how to create a life they don’t need a vacation from

Work-Life Playbook

A one-of-a-kind online program that teaches burnt-out professionals how to create a life they don’t need a vacation from.


Work-Life Playbook

A one-of-a-kind 6-week program that teaches burnt-out professionals how to create a life they don’t need a vacation from


Ever ask yourself:
“How did I end up here?”

There’s the career you chose for its promise of rewards and fulfillment, but now it’s sucking you dry.

Maybe you feel trapped in the corporate hamster wheel, burning your adrenals trying to meet deadline after deadline…

Then there are family demands… Relationship demands…

And let’s not mention the ever-present white noise of world disasters, a divisive political climate, and social media portraying the lie that everything is oh-so perfect for other people. (Sure, that new Insta filter makes her skin glow. But in reality? It’s breaking out into a flare-up of eczema.)

Does it ever seem too much to handle?

The pressure of it all building into a massive snowball of stress and overwhelm, with no relief or end in sight?

Still, you’re determined to “live your best life!”.

So you turn to yoga, meditation, self-help books (“The Power of NOW!”), and that expensive supplements’ kit—Detox in a Box!—you bought late one night because Gwyneth swears by it… And she should know, look at her skin!


… deep down you wish you could get off that stupid “self-help train” which, at this point, feels exhausting.

… you’re seeking means of escape and with your hectic life, who could blame you? Except Netflix and that extra glass of organic Pinot just don’t seem to bring the satisfaction they used to…

… you feel you should be able to handle what life is throwing at you. But the tools you learned from Brene Brown’s latest book? They’re failing you, big time.

Maybe, like sooooo many people nowadays, you’re suffering in silence and, frankly, you could use a little help from a supportive community and a trustworthy guide who can support you.

Hi, I’m Routh Chadwick, and I’ve been there.

My first job out of graduate school was on the inpatient psychiatric unit of a city hospital in New York. It was a real boot camp experience for many reasons, the least of which was the crisis work itself.

What was most challenging was working within a broken healthcare-sick care system that isn’t set up to support the provider or the patient. As a newly trained psychotherapist, they expected me to perform the impossible without the time, resources, or support to do so. Talk about stressful and draining.

Outside of work, my relationships were suffering, as I was frequently short-tempered and irritable.

It all came to a head when, one day, I passed out on the job from emotional exhaustion.

My work was slowly killing me, and I felt trapped. A New York rent and big fat student loans meant I needed a job, but I was at my breaking point: my nervous system was shot and something had to change.

Fast-forward to today, and you’ll find a very different Routh: a Routh that prioritizes self-care, that has fulfilling relationships and that LOVES her work. (If you’re wondering, I’m no longer working at the hospital— Hallelujah! Instead, I’ve created a thriving coaching business working with amazing clients!)

Hi, I’m Routh Chadwick, and I’ve been there.

My first job out of graduate school was on the inpatient psychiatric unit of a city hospital in New York. It was a real boot camp experience for many reasons, the least of which was the crisis work itself.

What was most challenging was working within a broken healthcare-sick care system that isn’t set up to support the provider or the patient. As a newly trained psychotherapist, they expected me to perform the impossible without the time, resources, or support to do so. Talk about stressful and draining.

Outside of work, my relationships were suffering, as I was frequently short-tempered and irritable.

It all came to a head when, one day, I passed out on the job from emotional exhaustion.

My work was slowly killing me, and I felt trapped. A New York rent and big fat student loans meant I needed a job, but I was at my breaking point: my nervous system was shot and something had to change.

Fast-forward to today, and you’ll find a very different Routh: a Routh that prioritizes self-care, that has fulfilling relationships and that LOVES her work. (If you’re wondering, I’m no longer working at the hospital— thank God. Instead, I’ve created a thriving coaching business working with amazing clients!)

And this big life change? Is all thanks to a simple but game-changing understanding that completely shifted how I view myself AND live my life.

Stress, overwhelm and fear don’t get to me the way they used to. I’m able to navigate challenges with more ease and tap into my inner wisdom instead of getting caught up in the negative (and endless) chatter of my mind.

My life is better than I ever imagined it could be.

Many of the problems that used to keep me up at night have disappeared. If I start to feel stressed, I know how to find relief and get myself back on track, whereas in the past I would stress myself to the edge of burn-out.

Even though I am running a small business and have traded the demands of being an employee for the challenges of being an entrepreneur, my new outlook has provided me with the mental clarity I need to handle whatever comes my way with grace and ease.

The old Routh? Was anxious, depressed and depleted most of the time.

The new Routh? Is truly happy and fulfilled! And that means enjoying all the pleasures that life has to offer – like sushi, live music and regular trips to the Brooklyn Museum.

I have way more energy than I used to and my health, relationships, and overall quality of life have improved significantly.

And I want that for you too!

Which is why I created…

Drum roll, please…

The Work-Life Playbook 8-Week Program

Work-Life Playbook (WLPB)Work-Life Playbook (WLPB)

“Routh, what is the Work-Life Playbook” you ask?

So glad you asked!

The Work-Life Playbook (WLPB), is a unique framework that enables participants to create inner transformation, which results in outer transformation.

When you go through the framework I teach you in the Work-Life Playbook, your work and life will begin to transform right before your very eyes.

Sounds airy-fairy? It’s not.

I’ve taught this framework to hundreds of clients who report real, tangible changes in their lives.

Who WLPB is for

Work-Life Playbook is for…

The closeted artist whose creative soul is slowing dying, buried under piles of academic papers awaiting to be graded.

The stay-at-home mom who’s taken care of everyone but herself and sacrificed her own dreams for far too long.

The burnt-out lawyer who yearns to get out of the rat race, make her health a priority, and start her own venture.

The overworked professional drained by his work who wants to find satisfaction and zest for life again
The talented architect who wants to branch out on her own but doesn’t dare let go of the “security” of a consistent paycheck.

The social media influencer that feels the pressure of constantly producing more content to satisfy the demands of an insatiable algorithm, but secretly wishes he could just stop for one second and enjoy the success he’s built.

The spirit junkie who has consumed every self-help book on the market in her quest to finally feel at home within herself and desperately wants to get off the “I’m not good enough” train.

Here’s what you can expect when you join Work-Life Playbook:


  • Instead of constantly feeling overwhelmed or deflated when life throws you a curveball, you’ll know exactly how to tap into your creativity and inner resilience to easily solve problems 

  • Instead of having to live with unbearable stress-related health problems and exhaustion, you’ll feel energized and revitalized in your body again and you’ll actually have energy left to work on passion projects or go out on date night!

  • Instead of burning out — physically or emotionally — you’ll naturally create a sustainable lifestyle that supports your work and your personal life, so you can feel fulfilled

  • Instead of feeling like you constantly have to work on yourself to feel good, you’ll naturally feel grounded and connected to your innate well-being, even when the sh&t hits the fan or your family (or your kids!) are in crisis mode again

  • You’ll be a better spouse, parent, and friend because you’re more connected to your Self

    • You’ll be able to spot new opportunities in your life, have the courage to carpe diem, and stop waiting for the right moment to come!

    If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that nothing is more precious than our health (mental and physical), that there’s no better time than now to rethink our priorities, and that it’s up to us (not the powers that be) to create the life we really want.

    It’s time to let go of the old—old fears, old systems, old beliefs. To take an honest look at what isn’t working anymore — Marie Kondo style — and make space for what we want to see flourish in our lives.

    It all starts with a single, powerful, intentional step, and if you’re ready, that step is to delve into the Work-Life Playbook.

    8-Week Program

    Pulling the Curtain Back on Burnout

    Week 1 - Pulling the Curtain Back on Burnout

    We uncover the hidden beliefs that are draining your vitality

    Why all the yoga and meditation in the world won’t cure your burnout, and discover what will

    Shift your perspective of stress so that you can feel more motivated and productive

    Learn why you are probably working much harder than you need to

    The Work-Life Balance Myth & Other Saboteurs

    Week 2 -The Myth of Work-Life Balance and Other Saboteurs

    Get off the hamster wheel of self-improvement and accelerate self-acceptance

    We debunk the myth that resilience comes from grit, determination, or any of those tired bootstrapping narratives

    Connect to the deeper motivation that results in your goals coming to fruition without needing harsh discipline or will power

    How to access and spend more time “in the zone” so you can be more productive and creative

    Falling Down Rabbit Holes

    Week 3 - Falling Down Rabbit Holes

    The mind plays tricks on us; learn to trick it back

    Develop the confidence of knowing you can handle any situation that arises.

    Learn how to refresh your mind so overwhelm doesn’t derail you.

    Get out of your own way so you can end procrastination

    You Are a Brilliant Creator

    Week 4 - You Are a Brilliant Creator

    Cut through confusion and overthinking so that you can quickly regain a sense of control and momentum

    Become more attuned to how the power of insight can create dramatic shifts in your life

    Learn to access your resourcefulness and more effortlessly see your projects come to fruition

    Learn to tap into flow states to allow for effortless creation and effortless execution

    The Mind Is Your Playground

    Week 5 - The Mind Is Your Playground

    Learn the most effective problem-solving technique (hint: it is NOT analyzing it to death)

    Cultivate the vision for seeing solutions “out of the blue” and see your problems easily resolve

    Discover why inspiration has much more horsepower than forcing, driving or “pushing through.” 

    Learn the skills to better attune to your intuition for more clarity and ease in decision making

    Thrive! Don't Just Survive in a Toxic Workplace

    Week 6 - How to Thrive (Not Just Survive) in Toxic Work Situations

    Gain the understanding that lets your natural confidence and courage come through (goodbye imposter syndrome!)

    Learn to work with the environment, not against it

    Embrace the starring role in your work life and have a greater impact

    Learn to optimize your performance so you are more productive, have more energy and clarity throughout the day

    The Antidotes to Challenging Work Relationships

    Week 7 - The Antidotes to Challenging Work Relationships

    Discover how curiosity and lightheartedness are the antidotes to many challenging work relationships

    Create better boundaries so that people (and environments) stop draining you and you have more bandwidth

    Learn the art of listening and how it can transform relationships

    Reexamine the roles you have taken on and the drama you participate in with the other “characters”

    Playing the Game of Life (the Joie de Vivre Way)

    Week 8 - Playing the Game of Life (the Joie de Vivre Way)

    Redefine success and failure for yourself according to your new playbook

    Learn the secrets to successfully following through on goals

    Understand how success comes from happiness far more often than happiness comes from success.

    Play the game to win, but learn to handle your losses with grace and agility


    99% of what we’ve been taught about happiness and success is ass-backward.

    People say “work smarter, not harder” but what does that really mean?

    1. The thing is that success formulas developed by self-help gurus rarely work.  That is because there is no one-size-fits-all formula for success.  This course helps you find your own unique path to success.

    2. Many motivational courses create momentum in a short burst that diminishes over time.  That is because they are “giving the person a fish” as the adage goes.  This course “teaches you to fish” so you will be fed for a lifetime.

    3. Many stress management approaches give you prescriptions which I call “outside-in” and often involve more complicated steps than you need.  What I’m proposing is a completely different “inside-out” approach to accessing well-being;  no complicated, time-consuming mindset work.

    4. WLPB will give you powerful, transformative tools to create a  joyful and sustainable life that doesn’t require you to add anything to your already hectic schedule.

    If you are afraid of this course because “change is hard,” then never fear:  I will not ask you to change anything.  WLPB is a doorway to a new perception that will lead to the pathway to effortless shifts and a joyfully fulfilling life.

    Work-Life Playbook is a life-transforming program.

    What You Get:


    90-minute one-on-one call to get to know you, your specific experiences and needs so we can make sure we start the process powerfully


    12 videos lessons + reflective journaling exercises to guide you through this game-changing framework and get your mind playing


    Weekly live Zoom calls to accelerate understanding, dive more deeply into the material and receive laser coaching


    A personal check-in via chat or email (your choice) to find out how you are doing, how the material is landing, and provide any extra support needed


    The Forum (aka the Work-Life Playground) is a private online space (not a Facebook group) where you can have your questions answered by the coaches and the conversation continues around the clock


    Daily action prompts to help implement your learning and posts to provide a dose of inspiration, wonder or whimsy


    45-minute one-on-one call to celebrate your completion of the 8-weeks, celebrate wins, your new understanding and discuss how you can continue to use your playbook going forward

    (To reap the maximum benefit of the program, you are encouraged to watch all the videos and attend the live calls each week)

    Think that you can’t possibly invest money in yourself right now?

    So friend, let me ask you…

    How much precious time have you wasted so far, feeling like life is passing you by, your cherished dreams becoming a fleeting memory?

    How much money have you already spent on healthcare and attempts at self-care that didn’t yield the promised dividends? If you tally up the gym membership, yoga classes, doctor’s visits, seminars, prescriptions and subscriptions, I bet it would be in the thousands (at least).

    Let me ask you this:

    Instead of spinning your wheels trying to figure it out on your own, what if you could learn a new framework, one that shifts you to your core without having to ‘’work on yourself”, without “21 days of new habit formation” and without willpower?
    What if resilience, clarity, creativity, joy, and playfulness became second nature?

    Take a moment to think about what calls to your heart right now and imagine you had boundless energy at your disposal: how would that impact your life, your relationships, your health…?

    I — and countless of my clients — are living proof that it’s possible to create a life that we don’t need a vacation from.

    To wake up each day — our batteries fully charged! — excited about what lies ahead! Struggle, overwhelm and anxiety don’t have to be part of our daily life. You can be productive, creative, abundant, and fulfilled right now.

    The time is now.

    “I certainly would recommend this course to anyone who works in crisis mode for most of their waking hours and is ready for a change of perspective. I have tried it all before: The Seven Laws, The Seven Habits, The 12 Steps… I did not expect such a profound shift in how I view life itself. These concepts are simple yet fundamental, easy to understand and apply. I experienced results after just one session! This was just what I needed. World shaking, life-altering!”

    – Mark R, Greenville, NC

    “I took Routh’s course at a time when I felt completely burnt out–hated my job, hated myself for hating my job, and felt hopeless to make a shift. Particularly because I started my new job because I also hated the last one. I noticed some immediate effects, particularly a smattering of better moments and better days. Some of the concepts were somewhat familiar but had been lost.

    The course restarted my focus, and I was able to start to picture dislodging myself from a very discouraging space. The material was on-point. Routh was able to pack a tremendous amount of knowledge in a relatively short period of time. By the end of the course, I felt satisfied–it exceeded my expectations.

    What surprised me was that it had planted a seed. The course is relatively (and appropriately) short, but the work it starts catapulted a change in me.

    One month after the course ended, I am still feeling the growth from the seed that was planted. Specifically, I have learned to be more gentle with myself, more forgiving of others, and more in touch with the love out there for the taking.”

    –Jennifer M, New York, NY

    “I feel I have experienced a major shift in my thinking in such a way that I’ve noticed myself slow down during a crisis and assess the situation and not so quick to react and get myself all hyped up and immediately stressed out. I hoped to find a “new” way of dealing with stress with my business and the program came at the perfect time as we were in the middle of trying to make a difficult decision as far as keeping the business or not. The most unexpected outcome is that I realized I DO have time to do things as I made time for this weekly session… which I thought I would have never had…. but it showed me that what I’ve been stressing about over the years is all in my head and all was truly not all that important or at a level of crisis. I feel so good about that realization. I would highly recommend this program.”

    – LaToya E, Phoenix, AZ

    If you would like to learn more and see if the Work-Life Playbook is a good fit for you, please click and put “WLPB” in the subject line of your email, then tell me a bit about why you are interested in the program.  The exploratory conversation is an opportunity to connect and answer any questions you might have.


    What's your refund policy?

    If you’re not happy with the course content please request a refund within 2 weeks of purchase.

    How long from the date of purchase will I have access to the content?

    You will have lifetime access to the community forum and the video lessons.  All the other offerings are for 12 weeks only.

    When are the group calls?

    Wednesdays at 12pm EST.  (Advanced notice will be given if there is no call or a change of date due to holidays). The calls are scheduled for 60-minutes but they can run overtime.  Feel free to stay or leave if needed.